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Sustainable Machines

Electrostatic Discharging

During the packaging process disruptions may occur due to static charging of foils. Neutralizing static charge on non-conductors is achieved by active ionisation, by means of ionisation bars. Jansen Control Systems supplies Hildebrand ionisation bars to prevent static charging problems.


•    Electrostatic discharging bars
•    AUTODC® Technology up to 100 Hz
•    Superb discharging efficiency for ionising ranges up to 1.500 mm
•    100% process control with log book of system parameters
•    24V DC power supply, no high voltage cable

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During the packaging process disruptions may occur due to static charging of foils. Neutralizing static charge on non-conductors is achieved by active ionisation, by means of ionisation bars. Jansen Control Systems supplies Hildebrand ionisation bars to prevent static charging problems.

End-of-Line inspection for the food industry

Jansen Control Systems supplies and maintains a range of end-of-line inspection systems. We supply our own checkweighers, FORTRESS metal detectors, SPARC X-ray systems, SOLLAU magnetic separators and HILDEBRAND electrostatic discharging and surface cleaning systems. Guarantee the quality of your product with one of our end-of-line systems. We’d be happy to help.